Simple ways to reduce your plastic use

So you don’t think you use all that much plastic? I implore you to take a look around you, think about what you do and use on a daily and weekly basis. You will most likely realize that you use more plastic in your life than you once thought.

For the plastic that you currently have, recycling is obviously your best option to get rid of it. However, that does not relieve us of all responsibility of the pollution around us. The sad truth is that even when you throw something in the recycling, it often doesn’t end up being reused. According to an article by the New York Times in May 2018 (, Western countries have been sending their recyclables to China to be processed. China has since stopped accepting these shipments, and therefore, many recyclables are ending up in landfills, or even in the ocean and other waterways.

In the end, recycling should not be our first solution. So, instead of the old 3-R rule (reduce, reuse, and recycle), we should follow the 4-R rule. That rule is as follows: reduce, refuse, reuse, then recycle, in that order.

The first and best thing that you can do is to reduce your use of plastics! You can try to find and use alternatives instead. Stop buying plastic water bottles and use metal ones instead. Also, consider buying solid toiletries. Solid or “bar” style soaps, shampoos, and conditioners usually have very minimal paper packaging and skip the squeezable plastic bottle or pump. Along the same line, try to use deodorant sold in glass jars or even make your own so that you aren’t buying the plastic roll on stick. A major tip is to bring reusable bags to the store instead of using the plastic bags they provide to you. Also, since plastic toothbrushes are a very common piece of trash in the ocean, try using a bamboo toothbrush. Finally, try to buy in bulk whenever possible to save on packaging, and perhaps even make your own DIY cleaning products to save from buying the name brand versions that come in plastic packaging.

You can also refuse to use plastic too! When at a restaurant, say no to plastic straws. You really don’t need them and can just sip your drink out of the cup. When ordering takeout, tell the restaurant that you don’t need any plastic cutlery. Simply use the reusable, washable cutlery that you already own. Also, carry your own bags and containers to fill when you go shopping or out to eat.

The last resort, after all of this, is to recycle the plastic items that you couldn’t get around using once you can’t use them anymore. These suggestions are in no way easy, the world we live in runs on plastic and it can be hard to get around that. But, with hard work, determination, and effort, we all can reduce our plastic use so that we can save and protect the environment, one step at a time!


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